So, your deadlines are not too far away, and the prospect of being a real university student, with real work, is starting to settle in
My name is Alex and I’m in my second year of Linguistics here at the University. As I’ve managed one year of fretting over essays, projects, and the like, here are my go-to tips for surviving your approaching deadlines.
1. Try not to stress — or, use it wisely
You made it to university, a few impending essays won’t change that fact! You’ve proven to yourself, family, friends, and the university that you can handle the work and the responsibility already – your language data analyses or psychology essays are just one part of that. Stay calm, cool, and collected and use the stress you may have to propel you forward into getting a first in whatever assignment you may have to tackle.
2 Know your resources
Your school has an array of helpful resources to get you through this exciting time in your lives. Within the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences (PPLS) there are lots of societies which can help you find the resources you need. FamiLing, for example and for which yours truly is a volunteer, which hosts essay writing workshops for linguistics students.
Even checking PPLS’ home page would give you the resources you want, and the resources you deserve!
3. Find your work space
A big factor in getting those important essays done is finding your ideal work space. Whether it be a library, a little cafe, or your humble abode, having just the right amount of human interaction/distraction will be boatloads helpful to remaining on task. Check out the National Library of Scotland or Coffee Angle for a change of revision scenery.

4. Remember to have you-time
Yes, it is of the UTMOST importance that you finish that essay tonight that’s due in three weeks time… but self-care is a priority too. Get outside of your head and your books and have a little you-time. However, a small little break can turns into hours of procrastination. There’s nothing wrong with focusing on yourself, but you are here to learn and to succeed.
5. Focus on the day AFTER your deadlines
Let’s talk exam season. December is a busy time, but at least the holiday season will soon be upon us! Personally, I survive exam season merely on the fact that soon I’ll be home in Boston, enjoying the holidays with my family soon. I take the same approach to deadlines. With essays and projects to complete, I look forward to the day when all is done, and I have slid my pages of work into the Dugald Stewart Building submission boxes. That is the day I can fully relax and, well, begin studying for exams!