When worlds collide: 5 things you could do when your friends from home come to visit

When worlds collide: 5 things you could do when your friends from home come to visit

Picture this: You’ve been in Edinburgh for a couple of weeks now, and suddenly one of your old friends from not-Uni decides to brave the journey up north and comes to visit. If you are anything like me and rarely… Read moreWhen worlds collide: 5 things you could do when your friends from home come to visit

Find the perfect accommodation

It’s a daunting task, I won’t lie. To make it easier, here are 6 questions that will help you decide. 1. What are your options? Edinburgh offers everything from university and private student halls to shared flats and single-person houses…. Read moreFind the perfect accommodation

Tips for your first weeks as a postgraduate student – Part I

Tips for your first weeks as a postgraduate student – Part I

You finally made it! You are about to start your postgraduate program, and as much as that alone is really exciting you also have to deal with some “practical stuff”. How do you do it? What do you start with?… Read moreTips for your first weeks as a postgraduate student – Part I