How to prepare your Master´s application

How to prepare your Master´s application

Preparing the application for my master’s program took a few months, between investigating the different options, requirements and others, it was at least 4 or 5 months of work. Here I leave the steps I followed, along with some tips!… Read moreHow to prepare your Master´s application

Want to keep your mental agility over the Christmas break? Try some my favourite logic puzzles from 2018.

Want to keep your mental agility over the Christmas break? Try some my favourite logic puzzles from 2018.

Whoever you are, it’s important to keep your mind sharp. So when: your essays have just been handed in, you’ve come home for Christmas, and you’re suddenly surrounded by food and booze, nothing will help keep your brain whirring like… Read moreWant to keep your mental agility over the Christmas break? Try some my favourite logic puzzles from 2018.

Planning for your future

Edinburgh University Psychology Building

You’ve made it to university…now what? There are so many options for life after university, like going further in your education with a graduate scheme or degree, beginning your professional career or travelling. It’s difficult to make a decision or… Read morePlanning for your future

The importance of communicating research

research news

The world of academia can feel like a somewhat inaccessible one. When you enter as an undergraduate student it can take a while to wrap your head around it all. The world of research is undoubtedly important. Knowledge is fascinating,… Read moreThe importance of communicating research

What my Philosophy degree has taught me (and why you shouldn’t turn your nose up at it)

What my Philosophy degree has taught me (and why you shouldn't turn your nose up at it)

It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.’ -Rene Descartes When I was picking my A-level options at school, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I knew I was… Read moreWhat my Philosophy degree has taught me (and why you shouldn’t turn your nose up at it)

Getting back into the swing of university

Getting back into the swing of university

1 week down, 11 to go… Having a massive essay due my first week back this semester really threw me in the deep end. It’s nice to be able to ease into it a little, but by Thursday last week,… Read moreGetting back into the swing of university