Being a Latin American student in Edinburgh is quite an adventure. Especially if you come from places like Quito, my hometown, which despite being at 2,800 meters above sea level has an average temperature of 20º throughout the year and the sun comes out almost every day. So, when I first arrived in September, I was impressed that the days were so long, then in December, I was impressed that the days were so short.
Most people know the importance of receiving sunlight frequently, as it can have a significant impact on our mood. However, in winter, when the city barely lights up for a few hours, it is difficult to keep up. What is the solution? Keep active! Here are some suggestions on how to do it during the winter:
Hit a class at the gym
Acquiring a membership in the gym can change your life. You do not have to have spectacular goals to decide, just want to feel better with yourself. Going to a spinning, boxing or dance class will release endorphins in your brain and help you to clarify your mind and feel more animated.
Staying physically active can be the key to having better academic performance
Join a club
Sometimes you have the desire to do many things, but you feel that you do not have anyone to do them with. The solution for that is to join one of the many clubs in the university. If swimming, fencing or rock climbing is your thing, participating in club activities can help you stay active during the colder months, and you can make new friends!

Ok, I love to run. And I’m a big believer that even a short training session can make your day, especially in a city like Edinburgh, where each route can be fantastic. The great thing about running is that you do not need much, a good pair of shoes, a waterproof jacket and depending on how crazy you are, a pair of shorts (yes, I’ve seen people running in shorts in the winter) it’s all that you need. Remember to use reflective gadgets and a headlamp if you are running in the early morning or at night! No need to be Mo Fara, 20 minutes of gentle jog will make you feel better without a doubt!
So leave the excuses and start moving!