Having trouble studying? Tips to improve your process

As the year goes on and exams come closer, you might have some difficulties trying to fit all that information in your head. Here I’ve gathered 7 tips (lucky number) to make it easier for you all.

1. Don’t leave anything behind

Be sure to complete all your pending tasks before you start. You want your mind to be focused on studying and nothing else. Whether you need to call someone or wash your clothes… do it in advance so you are not worried anymore.

2. Silence, please

Turn off any noisy device. That show on TV might get interesting and you don’t want to split your attention between your fun book and that, guess who will win. Also, your mobile phone buzzing from time to time might distract you too much. Press the silence button and put it away.

3. Organise your space and materials

In order not to interrupt your revision, you will need to tidy up your desk and get all the notes and pens from the start. Otherwise, you might end up standing up numerous times to get everything you need. Maybe you like using markers of different colours or sticky notes, but get them before you begin.

4. Don’t get too comfortable

I know that the warm blankets of your bed or that cosy sofa seem perfect for studying, especially in cold seasons, but… let’s be honest, you will end up sleeping. Osmosis is not a study technique.

5. Bringing crisps is not a tip

You are meant to study, so separate things and eat first if you are too hungry. If you are planning to study for long periods it’s advisable to bring some liquids to stay hydrated (try not to spill it over your notes or electronic devices!). If you want to eat, better take a break.

6. Ring the alarm

Everyone has different endurance for this matter. You can set alarms to stop from time to time according to your attention span. Doesn’t matter if it is 30 minutes, 60 minutes… just don’t push it too hard or you will end up losing time trying to get everything in your head.

7. Night owls

Maybe your mind is more active at night, but do not stay up until too late. Otherwise, on the next day, you might be too tired and all you learnt will not be fruitful when you are not able to concentrate well in discussions or exams.

Congratulations on reaching the end of the list! Here is an extra tip for you! The PPLS Writing Centre provides workshops and one-on-one meetings for students who are interested in developing their academic writing skills. For international students whose mother tongue is not English, you may also consider taking non-credit bearing courses organised by the English Language Teaching Centre.

Wish you luck in your exams and presentations, but success involves a little more than luck. So, I hope these pieces of advice are any good for you to be better prepared for any challenge.