Ah, December, sweet December! A time for winter wonderlands, Christmas celebrations surrounding everywhere you look, cold nights and hot chocolate… and let’s not forget, exams. This time of the year is a mix of stress and excitement, with so much going on that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I’m sure some of you aren’t even paying attention to the festivities outside if you’re focused on the approaching deadlines and exams. However, it’s of vital importance to practice self-care when life gets a bit hectic! It’s good for the heart, soul and brain. I’m a firm believer that if you look after yourself physically and emotionally, your learning capabilities improve too! So, without further ado, here are a few things you can do this stressful season.
Make time for friends!
It’s far too easy to stay curled up at your desk, revising furiously for hours and hours until you realise the last person you saw was your Deliveroo driver 3 days ago. Remember, taking breaks to be social isn’t a bad thing! It gives you necessary time to recharge and even make some lovely memories at this gorgeous time of year. Plus, if revision HAS to keep going, you can always set up a revision session over a cup of coffee.
Enjoy your hobbies!
Although exams are fast approaching, there should still be time to do what makes you happy. Go to your society events, watch some TV, play some games, maybe even enjoy a night out! Personally, I go to a society event weekly and take that time to disconnect from all the stress of the real world by playing some Dungeons and Dragons and enjoying exploring a fantasy world. It’s important to do what makes you happy, or you’ll likely find yourself struggling with motivation.
Pamper yourself!
There’s nothing better than having a mini-spa session with yourself. To relax and unwind, consider taking a night out to treat yourself to the things that relax you. For me, I enjoy doing a face mask and skincare. If you can and it’s your cup of tea, I highly recommend picking up a shower bomb from Lush. It’s the fun of a bathbomb without the need for a bath, which is essential for everyone in student accommodation living with just a shower.
Healthy body = healthy mind!
Another good way to look after your mental health is through prioritising your physical health. I’m not a massively sporty person, so don’t fret, I’m not suggesting you go and run a half-marathon or lift some weights. Personally, I find that going for walks is a brilliant way to take a break and refresh yourself between revision sessions. As well as that, eating well can make you feel much better too. Take the time to cook your favourite meal and get some fresh air today to help yourself.
Get some sleep!
I understand the temptation to pull an all-nighter to revise, but really, it’s not the best idea. Sleep helps us feel better in every way. A full 8-9 hour sleep is the best way to help yourself succeed and feel better in every way. Remember to listen to your body – if you’re far too tired to work than it won’t be a good revision session!
Good luck with everything going on at this busy time of the year – remember, take time to enjoy yourself!