Having a part-time job while at university is pretty common. It’s not only a great way to earn some work experience, but it helps to pay for essentials like bills, and for all the extra little things you might need. While managing your uni workload, a part-time job, and your social life can get tough, it is perfectly possible to find the balance.
Below are some tips based on my experience working part-time next to undergrad and now next to postgrad studies 😊
Don’t overwork yourself!
According to the university’s guidelines undergraduate and postgraduate taught students are not advised to work more than 15 hours per week, while postgraduate research students should not work more than 9 hours per week. Based on my own (and my friends’) experience, I have to agree with this. While it might be daunting to earn some extra cash for more hours, you should be careful not to take on too much. If you don’t leave enough time to rest and unwind, it could negatively affect your studies, not to mention your physical and mental health. Don’t forget to take care of yourself 😊
Know your deadlines & exam dates
Make sure you have all your important deadlines and exam dates written down in one place where you can always check. This will make it much easier to pick up shifts that you can manage without compromising essays and/or exams. This is, of course, easier when your job is more flexible, and accommodating, however even when having regular, set shifts, it is easier to plan your time for studying if you know all the important dates 😊
Don’t forget we have a fantastic Careers Service!
The university’s Careers Service is available to all students (and graduates), so make sure you give them a visit or drop them an email if you have any questions or concerns. They have regular appointments in the Main Library and in Murchison House (King’s Buildings), and they can even offer Skype appointments. They can help with a range of career-related things including (but not limited to) how to write a CV, what to include in a personal statement, or they can even help you with practicing interviews. For more information, visit their page: https://www.ed.ac.uk/careers.
These are just a few tips on how to manage having a part-time job next to university.
What are some of your tips? 😊