Wondering what the typical week in the life of a Cognitive Science student is like at the University of Edinburgh? In this post, I set out my day to day during term time to give you an insight into my student experience here in Edinburgh.
I just have one lecture on Monday at 9am this semester, which either makes it my most or the least productive day. If I am feeling productive, I go to the library after class to read and do tutorial work for the week. I usually stay there until around 1pm and then go home to cook lunch. In the afternoon I go climbing or go to a body balance class at 6pm in the University’s Pleasance gym. In the evening I sometimes watch a movie with my flatmates on our awesome projector in the living room, or I skype with a friend from home.
Tuesdays are good because I start with lectures at 1pm. That either gives me time to sleep in and enjoy a good home-cooked lunch or to go to the library in the morning to get some work done with a fresh mind. I have 3 lectures in the afternoon which finish at 5pm. When I am working as a harp teacher I usually stay on campus until 7pm. I spend the spare time in David Hume Tower, where I do some work or speak to my family on Skype or just relax. The harp lessons are a welcome addition to my day, which helps mix things up a bit! I finish my day with a home-cooked dinner.
Wednesday is my toughest day in terms of university work. I start with a lecture at 10am, followed by an hour until my next lecture during which I always do the tutorial sheet for linguistics tutorial I have at 1pm. After that, I have philosophy tutorial at 3pm, so I usually spend the time between 2pm and 3pm finishing the reading for that. Then I have philosophy lecture at 5pm. When I am finished at 6pm, I go home to eat and rest. If I have any energy left I go to the gym to climb or I hang out with my flatmates.
Thursday starts with a linguistics tutorial at 9am. Then I usually stay in Dugald Steward Building and study until my lecture at 1pm. When the lecture is done, I head on to David Hume Tower and do the Research Methods and Statistics project set for the week, for which I have a lab session at 3pm. After the lab, I stay in David Hume Tower basement and study until my philosophy lecture at 5pm. After class, I grab a quick bite to eat before my 7pm Body Balance class at the gym.
I have two lectures on Friday, one at 10am and one at 1pm. In between, I do my Research Methods and Statistics homework on the computers in the Psychology Building. On Friday afternoons I relax, go climbing, go to see a movie, go to a party. If I need to I’ll study or work on my assignments.
During the weekend I try to have fun! I’ll do some sports, maybe go for a trip, walk up Arthur’s seat, watch a movie with my flatmates or go out with friends.
Of course, this schedule changes when people are visiting me and when I have assignments to complete. But on the whole, this is what my week looks like. I hope this gives you an idea of what a typical student week might look like! 🙂