If you’re approaching your final months at school, then you’ll be keenly aware of the few months ahead of you. University offers have been returned, the days are getting longer – and, of course, the dreaded exams are looming. With this in mind, how do you survive the nervous wait?
1. Focus on the present
It’s easy to get caught up in the the logistics or ‘what ifs’ of the year ahead, whether that’s gap year plans or browsing YouTube for dorm decoration videos. However, you’ve got to secure your place first. When it comes to results day, knowing you’ve worked as hard as you could is a real peace of mind, even if things don’t quite go your way.
2. Do your research
Every university is a little bit different, so make sure you read up. Getting to know your city – transport options, things to do, even the weather – can make the transition a bit smoother. If you’re nervous, it can help alleviate some fears too. Talk to current students if possible, as they’re the most clued in to student life.
3. Sort out your accommodation
Make sure your accommodation is sorted for both your first choice AND insurance. Trust me, it’s not worth the stress of finding a house in late August, and paying excessive amounts for private halls.
4. Make contingency plans
As hard as your try, things don’t always go to plan. Make sure that you have a plan B (or even a plan C) well before you need it. I didn’t get into my first choice uni, but have loved my time in Edinburgh so far – almost all of the time, it works out in the end.
5. Lists are your friend
There’s a lot of paperwork to keep on top of, so make sure you’ve completed all the boring but necessary steps. Confirm choices, provide any documentation you need to – don’t lose your place over bad organisation.
6. Look after yourself
It’s a stressful time, and there’s a lot to think about. However, if things are getting too much, reach out to someone. Students join university from all walks of life, and there’s no right way to be the ‘perfect student’. Prioritise what’s right for you, and most of all, be excited for the journey ahead.