Hello everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well and safe. It is certainly not easy to minimise social contact and stay at home all day, but we’ve all done a great job! Keep up the good work so that our hard work will pay off.
1. Online courses
There is a wide array of short online courses available on various websites, including FutureLearn and Coursera. They are online platforms that cooperate with different universities or organisations to help individuals develop their skills. In April, I completed a course named “Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching” which is offered by Lancaster University. Since I am an MSc Developmental Linguistics student, I have been taking courses related to language disorder at Edinburgh. This course combines both theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills in language teaching and catering to the needs of dyslexic students.
2. Dissertation
I believe many of my classmates are working hard on their dissertations. Writing a dissertation is an integral part of an MSc programme. After completing 120 credits of coursework, students are required to choose a topic of their interest and conduct an empirical research study under the supervision of staff members. Students often find this the most thought-provoking as it is an opportunity to make use of all the knowledge learn in previous semesters and produce a piece of academic work. Since PPLS has leading scholars and experts in various fields including Linguistics and English Language, Philosophy and Psychology, you will definitely gain new insights into the area under their supervision.
3. Webinars
Although we’re still in the first week of June, I’ve already attended several webinars! On 3 June, Prof Antonella Sorace, Professor of Developmental Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh, illustrated why multilingualism matters in collaboration with United Nations Association of New York. Two days later, she and Dr Thomas Bak gave insightful talks on bilingualism. At this difficult time, it is really encouraging to see our PPLS community is reaching out to the general public and raising awareness of bilingualism and multilingualism. If you are interested in future events, like and follow our Facebook Page. Refugee Week 2020 will be taking place next week. So take part in their events and book your tickets here!
4. PPLS Weekly Community Roundup
Although we have now progressed to Phase 1 and the lockdown begins to ease, it is still crucial to maintain physical distance and minimise unnecessary social contact. Therefore, the Weekly Community Roundup is a useful tool to stay connected to fellow members of the PPLS community! There are top tips and useful resources as well as updates from our PPLS community around the globe! In particular, I enjoy the section Moment of Joy as it features photos of something that brings you joy. Positivity is much needed in this difficult time! If you would like to share your ideas, email the photo to the Weekly Community Roundup or share it on social media using #PPLSMomentofJoy!
Last but not least, don’t forget to show your appreciation and gratitude to all NHS frontline workers who are making every effort to fight against COVID-19.