Class Rep: Come for the opportunity to represent your classmates, stay for the free lunch

Class Rep: Come for the opportunity to represent your classmates, stay for the free lunch

In my first year, the course organiser sent out an email: Who wants to be a class representative for Linguistics and English Language 1? As a compulsive volunteer, I immediately replied to the message; and a few weeks later I was… Read moreClass Rep: Come for the opportunity to represent your classmates, stay for the free lunch

What my Philosophy degree has taught me (and why you shouldn’t turn your nose up at it)

What my Philosophy degree has taught me (and why you shouldn't turn your nose up at it)

It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.’ -Rene Descartes When I was picking my A-level options at school, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I knew I was… Read moreWhat my Philosophy degree has taught me (and why you shouldn’t turn your nose up at it)