Did you know….? 3 + 1 interesting/fun facts about the University of Edinburgh

Did you know….? 3 + 1 interesting/fun facts about the University of Edinburgh

1 Did you know…? That unlike at most other universities, students at the University of Edinburgh don’t wear mortar board hats to doff to the Chancellor at the graduation ceremony? Instead, we are tapped on the head with the ‘Geneva… Read moreDid you know….? 3 + 1 interesting/fun facts about the University of Edinburgh

“So, do YOU speak a second language?” Bilingualism myths and misconceptions

"So, do YOU speak a second language?" Bilingualism myths and misconceptions

Bilinguals use their languages in different contexts, with different people, for different goals. As a consequence, it would be impossible to be bilingual and have the exact same command of both languages – i.e. the “true bilingualism” the man I met spoke of, or balanced bilingualism, as researchers call it. In brief, all bilinguals have different commands of the languages they speak – and that is absolutely okay.