Hello everyone! November is the time of the year when students are overwhelmed by assignments and tests. It’s the worst time of the year as Halloween is over and Christmas is not here yet. How can we get through this tough period? I’d like to share with you several things I do to relax! I hope you find them useful too!
Going to the gym / exercising
As a lazy person, I rarely hit the gym. I have to admit that I don’t have the perseverance and motivation to go there regularly. However, after moving to Edinburgh, I have gotten into the habit of going there routinely (probably because of the rain and the early sunset). If you do not know where to start, Cristina, another Social Media Ambassador, examined several classes at the gym here. Nicole also recommended some tips to get active here. Exercise can improve your mood and quality of sleep. More importantly, it’s free!

In September, I joined a social event organised by the LEL programme to Roslin Glen Country Park. It’s about an hour journey by bus. If you are not a big fan of streams or rivers, Arthur’s Seat may be your pick. Yesterday, I also went to Cramond Island and Lauriston Castle. There are also other routes available in Edinburgh, so explore them when you have time. It’s better to go hiking on a sunny day, so pay attention to the weather forecast!
Cramond Island Lauriston Castle

Who doesn’t like travelling? But given the busy schedule and limited money, what can we do to take a break? I always believe that preparing foreign dishes can teleport you to places that you want to go without spending a lot of money.
So far, I have “visited” Spain with tortilla de patatas, Chile with pastel de choclo, Thailand with green curry and Korea with kimchi pancake and jajangmyeon! More is yet to come!
Tortilla de patatas Pastel de choclo Green Curry with pork
If you don’t really have time for preparing a feast, you could also take a look at some quick recipes here suggested by Monika!
Planning ahead
London’s Fireworks Display
The semester is ending soon, so it’s almost time to think of what to do in the semester break. While some of the students would consider going home after an arduous semester, others would stay in the United Kingdom to spend their Christmas and New Year. For those who are staying in the UK, you may consider joining Hogmanay celebrations here in Edinburgh or London’s fireworks display! These spectacular events are going to give you a good start of the year! Whenever you are exhausted, just take a rest from your studies or coursework and look for things that you can do in December! As for those who are going home or travelling to other places, you can plan your trip bit by bit. Take a 15-minute break from work and give yourself motivation!