I think during this crazy time we all could do with a little escapism and for me that’s best done by distracting myself with a good book. So if you feel the same or just need a bit of book inspiration, here are a few of my favourites…
Physical paperback books are my preferred medium, however in quarantine, book shopping and online deliveries aren’t an option so that’s why I’ve decided to give you book recommendations that are all available as audiobooks (on Audible! So maybe now is the time you finally get that 30-day free trial you have probably seen advertised everywhere online haha).
1. The Book of Why – Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie
“ How the study of causality revolutionised science and the world…”Correlation does not imply causation”. This mantra has been invoked by scientists for decades and has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. But today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, sparked by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and placed causality – the study of cause and effect – on a firm scientific basis. ” – Audible
This book was on my Causal Cognition honours course reading list and although I was reading it predominantly for study purposes I ended up finding it super interesting. I think people from a range of fields; from psychology (like me), cognitive science, philosophy, maths and computer science; would all be able to take something from this book. Also, because it is a popular science book it’s less dry than some educational reading.
2. The Final Empire (Mistborn, Book 1) – Brandon Sanderson
“ A thousand years ago evil came to the land and has ruled with an iron hand ever since. The sun shines fitfully under clouds of ash that float down endlessly from the constant eruption of volcanoes. A dark lord rules through the aristocratic families, and ordinary folk are condemned to lives in servitude, sold as goods, labouring in the ash fields. But now a troublemaker has arrived, and there is rumour of revolt. A revolt that depends on criminal that no-one can trust and a young girl who must master Allomancy – the magic that lies in all metals.” – Audible
I honestly recommend any book by Brandon Sanderson, however the Mistborn series is a good starting point. His prose can be quite simplistic but his complex magic systems and multi-layered characters make for a highly entertaining read!
3. 1984 – George Orwell
“ Big Brother is watching you….1984 is the year in which it happens. The world is divided into three superstates. In Oceania, the Party’s power is absolute. Every action, word, gesture and thought is monitored under the watchful eye of Big Brother and the Thought Police. In the Ministry of Truth, the Party’s department for propaganda, Winston Smith’s job is to edit the past. Over time, the impulse to escape the machine and live independently takes hold of him and he embarks on a secret and forbidden love affair. As he writes the words ‘DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER’, his personal rebellion begins…” – Audible
1984 is a classic for a reason. This novel becomes more and more eerily relevant every year. It is my favourite dystopian novel and if you haven’t already read it, definitely give it a go!
4. Mythos – Stephen Fry
“ The Greek myths are amongst the greatest stories ever told, passed down through millennia and inspiring writers and artists as varied as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, James Joyce and Walt Disney. They are embedded deeply in the traditions, tales and cultural DNA of the West. You’ll fall in love with Zeus, marvel at the birth of Athena, wince at Cronus and Gaia’s revenge on Ouranos, weep with King Midas and hunt with the beautiful and ferocious Artemis. Spellbinding, informative and moving, Stephen Fry’s Mythos perfectly captures these stories for the modern age – in all their rich and deeply human relevance. ” – Audible
Mythos shows what a great storyteller Stephen Fry is. This novel was such an enjoyable and insightful read. Also as a bonus – it is narrated by Fry on Audible!
5. Mort – Terry Pratchett
“ Mort, like many teenagers, is gangly, unpromising, and struggling with a menial job – in his case, as Death’s apprentice. He can barely handle his simple task of ushering souls out of Discworld, but he really screws up when he meets the beautiful Princess Keli, who is scheduled to be assassinated. Going against his boss’s wishes, Mort kills Keli’s assassin instead, which angers and interferes with Fate. But Mort’s heroism seems to be for naught, since Discworld proceeds as though Keli had been killed, while Death has too much fun drinking and gambling to be any help. This is the fourth book in the Discworld series.” – Audible
This was my first Terry Pratchett novel I read when I was younger and I loved it! I need to re-read it soon. Pratchett’s writing is extremely distinct and engaging and all of the characters are a treat to get to know.
Happy reading folks! 🙂