Year Abroad: What do our PPLS students think?

Year Abroad: What do our PPLS students think?

In your third year at Edinburgh, you can opt to spend your year abroad! You might find yourself studying while exploring a new culture in New Zealand or working as a teacher in Japan. Thanks to our long history and… Read moreYear Abroad: What do our PPLS students think?

English BA, MA vs. Scottish MA

One of the things some people haven’t quite worked out when applying to Edinburgh is the difference between a Scottish MA and an English MA. This article will hopefully clear up any confusion! When I first visited the School of… Read moreEnglish BA, MA vs. Scottish MA

The Fantastic Careers Service And Where to Find Them

The Fantastic Careers Service And Where to Find Them

Next week is the PPLS Careers week so I think it’s a good opportunity to write about my experience with the Careers Service at the University of Edinburgh. I found them very useful! But there are some tricks and things that… Read moreThe Fantastic Careers Service And Where to Find Them

How to decorate your (student) home for Christmas on a budget

How to decorate your (student) home for Christmas on a budget

How to celebrate & decorate your (student) home for Christmas on a budget Hooray!!! Exams are now over and Christmas is next week! The first two weeks of December was exhausting catching up with class materials, revision and exam stress…. Read moreHow to decorate your (student) home for Christmas on a budget

5 Reasons why you should consider Cognitive Science for your degree at Edinburgh

5 Reasons why you should consider Cognitive Science for your degree at Edinburgh

5 Reasons why you should consider Cognitive Science for your degree at Edinburgh In my lower sixth form year, I was very intent on doing Linguistics for my undergraduate degree. I didn’t know that Cognitive Science existed then. On one… Read more5 Reasons why you should consider Cognitive Science for your degree at Edinburgh