The Year of Graduation: Final Reflections, Future Visions

The Year of Graduation: Final Reflections, Future Visions

Image found here.  Hello, your future calling… What’s that? A month left? Soon I can call myself a graduate. Alumnus. Professional. Adult. July 2nd marks the last day of my undergraduate career and the first day of… well, I’ll get to… Read moreThe Year of Graduation: Final Reflections, Future Visions

Celebrating Women and Gender Equality

Celebrating Women and Gender Equality

March is off to an incredible start for the celebration of women worldwide. On the 1st of the month, we had the commencement of Women’s History Month, closely followed by International Women’s Day on March 8th. Gender inequality has put a red… Read moreCelebrating Women and Gender Equality

Strikes. Why and When?

Strikes. Why and When?

Image source:   A breakdown in talks between the University College Union (UCU) and Universities UK (UUK) has resulted in confirmed strikes over the next few weeks. This can be a confusing time for many students left wondering what… Read moreStrikes. Why and When?

Preparing for your Year Abroad

Preparing for your Year Abroad

So you have accepted an offer to study abroad and are wondering what’s next. Luckily, we’ve put together this handy guide on how to best prepare for your exchange, complete with a visual checklist – fancy! Preparing to go abroad may leave you feeling… Read morePreparing for your Year Abroad

International experiences that boost your CV

Cape Reinga Cape Reinga

As I near the end of my undergraduate years I must think carefully about my next steps. What will I do? Where will I go? Oh, and how? The elusive real world no longer feels so abstract. I have to think about how… Read moreInternational experiences that boost your CV