When worlds collide: 5 things you could do when your friends from home come to visit

When worlds collide: 5 things you could do when your friends from home come to visit

Picture this: You’ve been in Edinburgh for a couple of weeks now, and suddenly one of your old friends from not-Uni decides to brave the journey up north and comes to visit. If you are anything like me and rarely… Read moreWhen worlds collide: 5 things you could do when your friends from home come to visit

A postgrad’s life during the dissertation stage

It’s that time of year for Master’s students: dissertation time. Although I only finished my last course assignments less than a month ago, I’ve had enough time to realise that working on a dissertation is a different experience than the… Read moreA postgrad’s life during the dissertation stage

Year Abroad: What do our PPLS students think?

Year Abroad: What do our PPLS students think?

In your third year at Edinburgh, you can opt to spend your year abroad! You might find yourself studying while exploring a new culture in New Zealand or working as a teacher in Japan. Thanks to our long history and… Read moreYear Abroad: What do our PPLS students think?

5 ways in which postgrad learning surprised me

5 ways in which postgrad learning surprised me

There’s a feeling of endings in the air. Postgrads like myself still have a dissertation-filled summer to go, but the taught part of our programme is drawing to a close. This recently made me think about all the ways in… Read more5 ways in which postgrad learning surprised me

A Guide to Edinburgh’s Galleries

A Guide to Edinburgh's Galleries

Scottish National Gallery  Walking along Princes Street, you’d be hard pressed to miss the Scottish National Gallery. Its impressive buildings sit firmly in the centre of Edinburgh’s literal and cultural heart, nestling in the expanse of Princes Street gardens. According… Read moreA Guide to Edinburgh’s Galleries